Clear Skies

Trauma & PTSD Therapy


Finding a good trauma therapy program can take some work. Trauma and how a person responds to it is very personal. People are affected in different ways by the trauma that they have been through.

Some people will develop no issues at all, some can develop depression, and others can develop conditions like PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

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Who Should Look Into Trauma Therapy

It may be hard for you to know how you have been affected by traumatic experiences. You may not notice that you have symptoms of depression or PTSD until other people tell you. The best thing to do after a traumatic experience is to talk to a therapist or seek depression treatment programs. They can help you to work through the experience before it causes residual problems in your life.

Symptoms of depression include:

  • Inexplicably feeling down or sad
  • Increased Sleeping
  • Changed Eating Habits
  • Lower Activity Levels
  • General Irritability
  • Reduced Ability to Concentrate

Symptoms of PTSD include:

  • Reliving the Traumatic Experience
  • Anxiety Around Things that Remind You About the Experience
  • Unexplained Emotional Outbursts
  • Inability to Remember Traumatic Event
  • Self-Destructive Behavior and inability to Concentrate
  • Persistent Fear and hyper-vigilance

In short, these are all alarming symptoms to have to cope with on your own. If you have had a traumatic experience and are now suffering from any of these symptoms, you can seek out a trauma therapy program at your earliest convenience.

Clear Skies

What Is PTSD?

For years, society referred to the disorder as “shell shock” in those returning home from war or other combat. When discussing PTSD, it was only in terms of war. Today, we know that the disorder isn’t limited to combat. Almost anyone could find themselves in need of PTSD Therapy should they experience or have someone recount details of a traumatic event. In fact, an estimated one in 11 people receives a diagnosis of PTSD within their lifetime.

PTSD often develops after someone experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. While the cause is different for everyone, common reasons include:

  • War or combat
  • Physical attack
  • Severe accident
  • Natural disaster
  • The death of a loved one

It’s important to understand that not every traumatic event affects individuals the same. What one person might walk away from unfazed, another might begin struggling with PTSD.

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